Alarith Uhde

Understanding and Supporting Peer Review Using AI-reframed Positive Summary

Chi-Lan Yang, Alarith Uhde, Naomi Yamashita & Hideaki Kuzuoka

2025, Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

TegakARi: Augmenting Creative Drawing with Audio and Visual Cues

Dhruv Iyer, Alarith Uhde, Kasper Karlgren & Hideaki Kuzuoka

2024, Proceedings of the 2024 Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI'24)


Be Sensei, My Friend: Aikido Training with a Remotely Controlled Proxy Trainer

Takashige Suzuki, Alarith Uhde, Takuto Nakamura, Takuji Narumi, Tomohiro Amemiya & Hideaki Kuzuoka

2024, Frontiers in Virtual Reality


The Soul of Work: Evaluation of Job Meaningfulness and Accountability in Human-AI Collaboration

Shadan Sadeghian, Alarith Uhde & Marc Hassenzahl

2024, Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (CSCW)


A Nurse-Centered Approach to Computer-Supported Healthcare Shift Planning

Alarith Uhde

2023, University of Siegen (PhD Thesis)


Beyond Hiding and Revealing: Exploring Effects of Visibility and Form of Interaction on the Witness Experience

Alarith Uhde, Tim zum Hoff & Marc Hassenzahl

2023, Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (MobileHCI)

pdf video

LoopBoxes – Evaluation of a Collaborative Accessible Digital Musical Instrument

Andreas Förster, Alarith Uhde, Mathias Komesker, Christina Komesker & Irina Schmidt

2023, Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'23)


Obtrusive Subtleness and Why We Should Focus on Meaning, not Form, in Social Acceptability Studies

Alarith Uhde, Tim zum Hoff & Marc Hassenzahl

2022, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM'22)


Experiential Benefits of Interactive Conflict Negotiation Practices in Computer-Supported Shift Planning

Alarith Uhde, Matthias Laschke & Marc Hassenzahl

2022, Proceedings of the 2022 Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI'22)


Social Practice Cards: Research Material to Study Social Contexts as Interwoven Practice Constellations

Alarith Uhde, Mena Mesenhöller & Marc Hassenzahl

2022, Contribution to the CHI Workshop InContext: Futuring User-Experience Design Tools

pdf github

On Appropriation and Nostalgic Reminiscence of Technology

Fatemeh Alizadeh, Aikaterini Mniestri, Alarith Uhde & Gunnar Stevens

2022, Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts


Time Perspectives in Technology-mediated Reminiscing: Effects of Basic Design Decisions on Subjective Well-being

Alarith Uhde & Marc Hassenzahl

2021, Human-Computer Interaction


Design and Appropriation of Computer-Supported Self-Scheduling Practices in Healthcare Shift Work

Alarith Uhde, Matthias Laschke & Marc Hassenzahl

2021, Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (CSCW)

pdf video

Towards a Better Understanding of Social Acceptability

Alarith Uhde & Marc Hassenzahl

2021, Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts

pdf video

Technology-mediated Experiences and Social Context: Relevant Needs in Private vs. Public Interaction and the Importance of Others for Positive Affect

Pia von Terzi, Stefan Tretter, Alarith Uhde, Marc Hassenzahl & Sarah Diefenbach

2021, Frontiers in Psychology


Interaction in the Public: Aesthetics, Social Acceptability, and Social Context

Alarith Uhde, Stefan Tretter, Pia von Terzi, Marion Koelle, Sarah Diefenbach & Marc Hassenzahl

2021, Workshop at Mensch und Computer


Game of Roster - GamOR: Spielifizierte kollaborative Dienste-Plattform für Pflegeberufe

Annette Blaudszun-Lahm, Vanessa Kubek, Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe, Nadine Schlicker, Sebastian Velten & Alarith Uhde

2021, Arbeit in der digitalisierten Welt, Springer Vieweg


Simulating Social Acceptability With Agent-based Modeling

Alarith Uhde & Marc Hassenzahl

2021, Contribution to the CHI Workshop on Emergent Interaction


Designing Everyday Automation with Wellbeing in Mind

Holger Klapperich, Alarith Uhde & Marc Hassenzahl

2020, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing


Fairness and Decision-making in Collaborative Shift Scheduling Systems

Alarith Uhde, Nadine Schlicker, Dieter Wallach & Marc Hassenzahl

2020, Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

pdf video

Positive Work Practices. Opportunities and Challenges in Designing Meaningful Work-related Technology

Matthias Laschke, Alarith Uhde & Marc Hassenzahl

2020, Contribution to the CHI Workshop on Worker-Centered Design


Nachhaltige Motivation durch wohlbefindensorientierte Gestaltung

Nadine Schlicker, Alarith Uhde, Marc Hassenzahl & Dieter Wallach

2020, Digitalisierung in der Pflege, Springer Vieweg


Context Factors for Pro-social Practices in Healthcare

Alarith Uhde, Mena Mesenhöller & Marc Hassenzahl

2020, New Perspectives on Digitalization: Local Issues and Global Impact


Kollaborative Diensteplattform. Digitalisierung als Mittel teamorientierter Selbstorganisation

Vanessa Kubek, Sebastian Velten, Alarith Uhde, Nadine Schlicker & Annette Blaudszun-Lahm

2020, Digitalisierung der Arbeit in der Langzeitpflege als Veränderungsprojekt, Springer Vieweg


Gestaltung kollaborativer Dienstplanung in der Pflege: Das Projekt GamOR (Game of Roster)

Sebastian Velten, Rasmus Schroeder, Vanessa Kubek, Annette Blaudszun-Lahm, Nadine Schlicker, Alarith Uhde & Ursula Dörler

2020, Arbeit in der digitalisierten Welt

pdf reference

Understanding and Designing Automation with Peoples' Wellbeing in Mind

Holger Klapperich, Alarith Uhde & Marc Hassenzahl

2019, Contribution to the CHI Workshop on Everyday Automation Experience


Stärkung von Selbstorganisation und Autonomie der Beschäftigten in der Pflege durch eine digitalisierte kollaborative Dienstplanung

Vanessa Kubek, Annette Blaudszun-Lahm, Sebastian Velten, Rasmus Schroeder, Nadine Schlicker, Alarith Uhde & Ursula Dörler

2019, Arbeit 4.0 im Mittelstand, Springer Gabler

pdf reference

Gestaltung kollaborativer Dienstplanung in der Pflege: Ein Paradebeispiel für Interdisziplinarität

Vanessa Kubek, Annette Blaudszun-Lahm, Sebastian Velten, Rasmus Schroeder, Nadine Schlicker, Alarith Uhde & Ursula Dörler

2019, GfA-Frühjahrskongress

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Recognition Memory for Low- and High-frequency-filtered Emotional Faces: Low Spatial Frequencies Drive Emotional Memory Enhancement, Whereas High Spatial Frequencies Drive the Emotion-induced Recognition Bias

Michaela Rohr, Johannes Tröger, Nils Michely, Alarith Uhde & Dirk Wentura

2017, Memory & Cognition
